Side Dish

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a dish served as subsidiary to the main one. A few simple sides can take an ordinary weeknight dinner and turn it into a memorable meal.

Side Dish

Cauliflower Rice

Ok, ok, I know. The whole gluten-free paleo food movement isn’t really your thing, and that’s totally fine! I won’t force feed you any particular diet plan or food choices. However, if you are trying to control your blood sugar, rice can be a hidden enemy! Enter: SUPER CAULIFLOWER! JUST KIDDING! If you haven’t tried this yet, it’s worth the experiment.   Views: 0

Lemony Breaded Roasted Broccoli | Dimpled Kichen
Side Dish

Lemony Breaded Roasted Broccoli with Faux-lic & Faux-nion

I have no idea why; but broccoli gets eaten by the double portions (usually with seconds) here in our home. Not complaining, as broccoli is FULL of good things, and delicious to boot, but it sometimes gets boring using our standard oil, salt&pepper roasted standby. This is a great option to shake things up, but still get them trees into your diet. Views: 0

Mashed Roots | Dimpled Kitchen
Side Dish

Mashed Roots Gourmet

Around here, I am known for these ‘NOtatoes’, and killer gravy. Which makes sense, as those are my favorite foods. Caramelized fennel bulbs with sauteed horseradish and lemon grass adds mellow sweetness to creamy mashed root vegetables flavored with truffle oil and Parmesan cheese. Views: 0

Grandmama's Stuffing | Dimpled Kitchen
Side Dish

Grandmama’s Stuffing

My Nana wasn’t the best cook. She used packets for gravy, boxes for potatoes, stuffing, and canned soup. She fed her family on a shoestring though; and it was a different time in the world. This recipe is one I stumbled upon years and years ago. Since we went NAG free, I’ve modified it to be safe, but it’s still as delicious as the first time I had it at a USAF squadron function years ago. Views: 0

Side Dish

Balsamic Zucchini Sauté

Zucchini is known to improve energy, aid in thyroid functionality, eye health, lower your blood sugar, lowers cholesterol, stops inflammation, it has seriously even been said to slow down the aging process! This quick saute is delicious with any summer squash and need not be served hot, making it perfect for a summer picnic or a barbecue when you may be preoccupied with preparing other dishes hot off the grill. Views: 1

NAGan Black Beans - Dimpled Kitchen
Side Dish

NAGan Black Beans

This classic Cuban Black Beans recipe is adapted from “Tastes Like Cuba,” by Eduardo Machado and Michael Domitrovich. Authentic Cuban black beans, either as a soup, on top of white rice, or a congri (aka, Moros y Christianos), is flavorful but never spicy. Feel free to add fresh cilantro for that extra punch at the moment of serving. Views: 3

Loaded Celeriac Cauli Mash
Side Dish

Celeriac Cauli Mash

Forget potatoes! Luscious and creamy, this purée can be decadent with a touch of butter. Cooking the celery root in milk mellows the vegetable’s bite. However, if you prefer a more herbaceous flavor, substitute water for the milk. Views: 1

Loaded Baked Cauliflower ||
Side Dish

Loaded Baked Cauliflower

Super easy, delicious and won’t leave you bloated. 1 medium head cauliflower, cut small pieces 1 tablespoon avocado oil pink himalayan salt 4 slices bacon (uncooked), chopped 1 green onion, diced (extra to garnish) 1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese Preheat oven to 400 degrees and cover a sheet pan with parchment paper. Toss cauliflower with avocado oil and spread on sheet pan. Sprinkle with salt. Add bacon and green onion to pan. Bake for 25 minutes. Take out of oven and add cheese, bake 5 more minutes. Garnish with more green onion. Views: 0

Side Dish

Bodacious Broccoli Salad

A slightly healthier version of broccoli salad, but absolutely divine. At our house we ALL love ‘trees’ so this never lasts long. It’s better the next day, so make ahead! Views: 6

Side Dish

Sautéed Citrusy Broccoli

Broccoli does NOT requiring boiling before sautéing or stir-frying IF you implement the steaming method. Trapping hot air in the pan is what helps soften the broccoli so it doesn’t just appear cooked on the outside. That’s not to say broccoli won’t cook if not covered, but it may run the risk of burning before becoming sufficiently tender. It’s also important to note that boiling can cause some nutrients to leach out, like vitamin C. (Vitamin C is water-soluble and quite sensitive to heat.) Therefore, sautéing can help vegetables retain some of their more delicate nutrients. Views: 0

Side Dish

Swiss Basic Salad & Dressing

Never hurts to have a barebones salad recipe base to build from. The following is just that. (Also, I have no idea why it’s called Swiss; maybe because it’s almost as flexible as the infamous knifetool?) Views: 39