Breakfast is the favorite meal of the day around here… Maybe because the good ones only happen on the weekend while everyone is home. We sleep in, enjoy coffee/tea/hot cocoa, and relax. Then the guy makes something yummy. We have yet to find a ‘safe’ commercial sausage; but this one is super easy to mix up as needed, so we haven’t been looking very hard… Views: 0
Month: August 2019
NOT Worcestershire Sauce
Worcestershire or Worcester sauce is a fermented liquid condiment created in the city of Worcester in Worcestershire, England during the first half of the 19th century. It’s typically made from a base of vinegar and flavored with anchovies, molasses, tamarind, onion, garlic, and other seasonings. The flavor is savory and sweet with a distinct tang provided by the vinegar. It is commonly used to flavor meat, soups, stews, marinades, and even beverages such as Bloody Marys. This a mysterious-yet-flavorful brown liquid that is considered a staple in most American kitchens. How the chicken neck do you pronounce Worcestershire? Don’t pronounce […]