Month: August 2019

Breakfast Sausage

NAG-free Breakfast Sausage

Breakfast is the favorite meal of the day around here… Maybe because the good ones only happen on the weekend while everyone is home. We sleep in, enjoy coffee/tea/hot cocoa, and relax. Then the guy makes something yummy. We have yet to find a ‘safe’ commercial sausage; but this one is super easy to mix up as needed, so we haven’t been looking very hard… Views: 0


NOT Worcestershire Sauce

Worcestershire or Worcester sauce is a fermented liquid condiment created in the city of Worcester in Worcestershire, England during the first half of the 19th century. It’s typically made from a base of vinegar and flavored with anchovies, molasses, tamarind, onion, garlic, and other seasonings. The flavor is savory and sweet with a distinct tang provided by the vinegar. It is commonly used to flavor meat, soups, stews, marinades, and even beverages such as Bloody Marys. This a mysterious-yet-flavorful brown liquid that is considered a staple in most American kitchens. How the chicken neck do you pronounce Worcestershire? Don’t pronounce […]